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Over 25% of the passengers sailing from Rome to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on the trans-Atlantic Carnival line appear to have been infected by norovirus. This is not how anyone would want to end their Roman holiday.

More than 700 fall sick on cruise ship

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – More than 700 passengers and crew members aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise have fallen ill with flu-like symptoms, cruise line officials said.

The outbreak, believed to be norovirus, struck people aboard the Carnival Cruise Lines’ Liberty, one of the world’s largest cruise ships, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Miami-based company.

The ship left Rome on Nov. 3 with about 2,800 paying passengers and was due to arrive in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday.

“Within 24 hours of sailing, they had a lot of people sick. It has tapered off considerably over the past couple days,” said David Forney, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


Liability claims against cruise lines are usually restricted by the terms of cruise ticket language. For example, it is common for the time period for the filing of a claim to be very short.

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